Ibuprofen USA
Treatment: simptomaticheskoe.V hour after an overdose need to take activated carbon and produce gastric lavage (adults). You should carefully monitor the function of the kidneys and liver. Forced diuresis. Patients should be observed within 4 hours after administration of potentially toxic doses of ibuprofen. Frequent or prolonged seizures can be treated with intravenous administration of diazepam. Another treatment may be designated on the basis of clinical symptoms of the patient.
Precautionary measures
Side effects can be minimized by use of the lowest effective dose for a short time.
As with other NSAIDs, ibuprofen may mask the symptoms of infection.
Avoid the use of ibuprofen in combination with other NSAIDs, including selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors, due to the increased risk of developing ulcers or bleeding.
Ibuprofen USA
Elderly: Elderly people have an increased frequency of adverse reactions to NSAIDs, especially gastrointestinal bleeding and perforation which may be fatal.
Gastrointestinal bleeding, ulceration and perforation:
On bleeding, ulceration or perforation, which can be fatal, has been reported with all NSAIDs reception.
Risk of gastrointestinal bleeding, ulceration or perforation increases with dose NSAIDs, particularly in patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease, as well as the elderly. These patients should start treatment with minimal doses. Combination therapy with protective agents (e.g., misoprostol, proton pump inhibitors) should be considered for these patients, and for patients who need aspirin or other agents that can enhance the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
Ibuprofen USA
Patients with a history of gastrointestinal disease, particularly the elderly, have to report any unusual pain in the stomach (especially gastrointestinal bleeding), especially at the initial stage of treatment.
Use caution when taking the drug in patients with concomitant medication that increases the risk of ulcer or bleeding (oral corticosteroids, anticoagulants such as warfarin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or anti-platelet drugs such as aspirin).
In the event in patients receiving ibuprofen, gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers, treatment should be discontinued.
NSAIDs should be taken with caution in patients with a history of ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease.